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​To the website of Clagett HorseSports and Marcie Clagett!

As the saying goes, "Good riding is good riding."  Whether you aspire to ride trails, jump, show, play polo or whatever interests you, a correct, balanced seat is a passport to all riding disciplines.  Upon that foundation you can build and grow into one or multiple sports, cross-train to improve your performance in the sport you specialize in or just try something different for the fun of it.  And so it is the same for the good training foundation we strive to provide our equine partners for their long-term benefit as new research emerges and our understanding of biomechanics are further refined over time.

It is a rare horse or rider that is perfect; in fact, there really is no such thing.  Perfect is an ideal to measure progress by; a guide by which you can identify problems and devise a plan for resolving them to keep moving forward.  Problems are learning opportunities; you cannot be a good rider or trainer without a lifetime full of managing them.  Being open to learning is essential for reaching goals, and there is always something else to learn no matter who you are.  And here is a short story to illustrate it:  The headquarters for the U.S. Olympic Dressage Team was just up the road from where I grew up.  Col. Bengt Ljungquist was the Team Coach at the time, and during his tenure his friends and other Olympic Team coaches of other countries, many of whom where past Olympians themselves, would visit, and they would always use the opportunity to borrow some horses and coach each other!  If you are interested in learning and ready to explore new horizons, whether competing is your goal or not, please feel free to contact me about instruction or training.  I work with all levels of amateurs and professionals and their horses in Balanced Seat, Dressage, Eventing and Polo, and am based in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area around Loudoun County, Virginia, and Montgomery and Frederick Counties, Maryland, but periodically travel farther for groups and other events.


I write and post articles as I have time to the Blog on this site, the Clagett HorseSports Facebook page and my LinkedIn page, so you are welcome to connect through them as well.  You can also find links to other informative sites and videos on this site.


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Marcie Clagett
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The foundation needed by riders of all disciplines for safe and effective riding.

Every horse needs it to develop a solid foundation for better performance, health and longevity.

Combines multiple disciplines and skills into one challenging, versatile sport.

Individual skill, horse performance,  teamwork and strategy combined in a challenging, fun and highly addictive sport.


Balanced Seat



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